Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wearables are getting affordable

Well if you consider Spice Smart Pulse (see: and to be smartwatches then yes they are getting affordable. Spice has taken quite a different direction than what I think a smart watch should be (see, but then what Spice offers could be the only thing that you want to have, if you are not really worried about apps. For me Spice smart pulse is nothing but a watch phone, which could be used independently of any smartphone. It also offers connectivity to most Android smartphones (that is the claim), but how well the notifications work is a thing  to be tested.

On the price front however, Spice is in the right direction as opposed to recently released Google Wearable devices. If you consider the least expensive of those lot (from LG), it is double the cost of Moto E, and offering absolutely no value other than serving as a notification screen. The problem with all the currently available wearable devices, including the Android wear, is that there is not significant value addition when compared to what a smatphone does. Over the top, they are pretty much cumbersome to actually use it, defeating the whole purpose. Probably when iWatch comes out, Apple can show others how it is done right.

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